Photo credit: Vegan Liftz
Yesterday, a group of leading companies convened by CESPEDES and The World Environment Center with sponsorship of Dow Chemical, ECOLAB and Coca-Cola FEMSA, gathered to share best practices and initiatives to address challenges for sustainable water management, calling to action to accelerate partnerships between private sector, civil society and governments to guarantee water access in safe conditions for everyone.
During the forum, participant companies shared their challenges and learnings while implementing projects to optimize processes for responsible use of water and all coincided in the importance of generating company commitments under the United Nations Global Compact CEO Water Mandate initiative.
Among best practices, ECOLAB presented the “Smart Water Navigator” a tool to self-assess and develop plans for continuous improvement facilitating companies to improve water management and stewardship practices, assess water risk, determine their place on a water maturity curve, and find necessary steps to get water-smart.
Additionally, participating companies agreed on the need to foster conservation initiatives to protect watersheds through multisector programs such as “Water Funds”, highlighting the recently launched fund “Agua Capital”, a social investment with participation of CitiBanamex, HSBC, Mexichem, Grupo Modelo, and Coca-Cola FEMSA, oriented to the conservation of water resources in the Mexico City area.
You can read the full press release in English here. Haga clic para leer en español.