Managing Resource Streams Sustainably: Company Practices in Packaging and the Use of Electronic Components

Exec RT Human Rights Event Invite

This event has built on the learnings from a 2017 WEC Roundtable focused on business opportunities in a Circular Economy, which demonstrated the opportunities from extending product cycles, remanufacturing, and the Sharing Economy. Since then, business continues to devote an increasing amount of attention to the topic while, in parallel, governments have discussed at the highest levels how they can best support the transition to a Circular Economy. As the availability of several materials is getting critical, political and business leaders alike strive to reduce their economies’ dependency on certain substances and regions. This is reinforced by environmental concerns ranging from micro plastics in the oceans to raising global temperatures, all of which are calling for technological innovation, regulation, and its enforcement. The topic should be top of mind for any CEO.

Note:  WEC Executive Roundtables are conducted under the Chatham House Rule.

Link to the Agenda can be found here.