The World Environment Center Presents The Clean Tech Fair

WEC Clean Tech Fair
Clean Tech Fair graphic

The World Environment Center (WEC) and its international partners are excited to present the Clean Tech Fair this November 3rd, 7th, and 14th from 9AM to 12PM ET. 

Our partners for this event include The Royal Scientific Society (RSS) in Jordan, La Confédération Générale des Entreprises du Maroc, (CGEM), Bank of Africa (BMCE Group) and EDIC Consulting in Morocco. 

Topics on the agenda include Solid Waste, Water and Wastewater, and Energy and Air Emissions. 

Presenters from these organizations will speak on strategies and solutions within these domains for how companies can improve their environmental performance, implement current technological solutions and increase sustainable practices within their operations. 

This free Virtual Fair is open to all and is designed to connect international experts and key stakeholders of the industrial sector with current technological solutions for their business challenges. 

Learn more and register via the Eventbrite link:  

About the Project 

The United States Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs has funded the World Environment Center to promote environmental governance through improved practices and technologies in Morocco and Jordan. The purpose of this initiative is to strengthen environmental governance that will lead to the adoption of improved environmental practices, technologies, and services, particularly in addressing air pollution, water and waste management challenges. WEC has partnered with EDI Consulting in Morocco and Water and Environment Center/Cleaner Production Unit at the Royal Scientific Society in Jordan to provide their on-the-ground knowledge and support to achieve project objectives. 

WEC and its local partners will create public-private partnerships involving priority sectors to address those environmental challenges, while fostering the use of U.S. environmental technologies. 

About World Environment Center 

WEC is an independent, global non-profit, non-advocacy organization that advances sustainable development through the business practices and operations of its member companies and in partnership with governments, multi-lateral organizations, non-governmental organizations, universities and other stakeholders. WEC’s mission is to promote business and societal value by advancing solutions to sustainable development-related problems. It manages projects for companies across their global operations, builds executive level learning and competency in incorporating sustainable development principles across a number of business sectors, and recognizes performance excellence through an annual awards program. WEC is headquartered in Washington, D.C., with regional offices in China, El Salvador and Germany.